
Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Well... HOWDY!!!

I know... I know... I havn't come on FOREVER!! Sorry. I've just been really busy lately. Not like... WAY busy but i've been trying to practice both harp and piano more, I'm trying to get my grade up for the end of the quarter. (I have a C :( ) I've been trying to work on my art stuff. And... well... i've kinda been going to a lot of parties lately! And as much fun as being on the computer all night on a friday or saturday night, i'd prefer to be at a stake dance, or another quincenera. (I went to another one for my friend Jennipher!) For example... last Friday, we through a suprise birthday party for my one of my bestest friends Ashley! And then on Saturday all of my family came to celebrate my daddy's birthday.(They have the same birthday!!) and then right after that, Ashley and my friend Tony called and told me i had to come to the stake dance! And then now... on Friday I have my other friend Michelle's (Mee-chel-le's) birthday party! (we are going ice blocking!) And then on Saturday, My friend Myrna is throwing a dance party! WITH LATINO MUSIC AND DANCING!! like a whole other quincenera... but... with out a birthday to celebrate!! So ya! If i don't come on for another week or so... you know why!! :D Luv ya guys!

About Me

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Hi, umm... i'm Mandy! And i am 14! I am in the 9th grade, I LOVE music!! I want to go into Dentistry when i am older and i am a total science geek! :D

Courtney, Whittney, and me!

Courtney, Whittney, and me!